Amazing Facts
Harry Shoerats, Britain's longest-lived man, who lived until he was 111 years old, worked as a craftsman until he was 104 and cycled to work daily until he was 100, was a very active and healthy vegetarian.

Amazing facts!

Harry Shoerats, Britain's longest-lived man, who lived until he was 111 years old, worked as a craftsman until he was 104 and cycled to work daily until he was 100, was a very active and healthy vegetarian.

The National Cancer Research Institute found that women who do not eat meat are 4 times better protected against breast cancer than those who eat meat.

The breast milk of non-vegetarian women contains 10 times more pesticides than that of vegetarians.

Vegetarian diets are associated with a lower incidence of diabetes, which is a major risk factor for CHD [Coronary Heart Disease]