Veg CongressVeg CongressVeg Congress
Veg kids are apparently brighter
In a landmark scientific study conducted by the Southampton University among 8179 children spanning 20 years, it was found that the most intelligent of them turned vegetarians. Did they become vegetarians because of their higher IQs or did they have higher IQs because they were vegetarians?
Famous Vegetarians

Open your mind!

Being a vegetarian has more to do with our minds than
our taste buds!

It is astate of mind
Are you humane? Sensitive? Caring? At peace with yourself?
Yes? Then most likely you are a vegetarian. Well, not in your
food habits alone. But in the way you live life!

Think for yourself. Don't be influenced by others. By your
friends. By your family. By our favorite movie stars. Including by
die-hard vegetarians like us. You question, think and decide
And take a stance based on your own convictions.

Is it necessary to hurt or kill to live and eat? Especially in an
age when you have alternatives that are as good if not better.

Start queationi
Am I humane enough? Do I look away from a hungry urchin's
eyes? Do I help an accident victim on the road?

Do I get disturbed with the mindless violence in the name of
religion? Am I at peace with myself? Should you be the cause
for a killing?

Probably you alone can't make a difference to the thousands of
animals being slaughtered.

But your decision will make a difference to your life.
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